Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I was sitting having a smoke with William The Gardener and mentioned the shark I had seen coming back from the picnic on the motu. Tati was driving the motorized outrigger and had seen it as he had before in the lagoon near the old club Med - farther from the pass by the Moorea Beachcomber than is normal for a shark to venture - and this one, a dark shadow barely a few feet down, seemed different from the blackfin-tipped reef sharks, much bigger, heavier around the shoulders and neck. William confirmed that this was a new shark to these lagoon waters, a big one. Very frightening to think of that ombre. William said he had first seen it from his fishing boat, and he had decided it was time to cease fishing in the lagoon. Let us hope there will be no more to this story of the gliding dark shade from othersville.
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